Pet memorials in St Helens are greatly valued among the pet parent community. A pet is an invaluable member of a household, and when that pet passes, the family needs to acknowledge the passing in a loving and honourable way. This helps them to dwell later on the happy memories and heal because closure has been achieved. People commemorate the death of their beloved pet companions in a hundred different ways today. Pet headstones, grave markers, pet urns, pet memorial plaques complete with a tiny easel, pet memorial garden stones are some of the beautiful tributes that your pet deserves.
While some of the above are mementoes, in St Helens, pet memorials focus mostly on the pet’s grave. Whether it is a burial or cremation, a pet grave, well kept and with a beautiful headstone, is always a source of peace and remembrance simultaneously. This is where one actually connects with the happy memories of a pet, where one can sit peacefully and bask in quiet contemplation of the unconditional love one enjoyed from a beloved pet, whether animal or bird. A gravestone and a headstone carved in marble are indicative of the respect one has for a member of the family and it is no different for a pet. Granite also offers itself for use as headstones, because this material is very tolerant to the vagaries of the weather. It is eminently suitable for intricate carvings.
Our firm that prepares pet memorials in St Helens is well known for our craftsmanship. Masonry is an ancient craft and practitioners are aware of the history of Freemasonry and Masonic Lodges. So, it helps to have a master craftsman design your pet’s memorial. We provide customers with catalogues and brochures to help them to choose. Some pet memorials boast of the work of hand letter carvers who can lovingly engrave your pet’s name on the gravestone. We take care to anchor the gravestone firmly in the ground, with the help of a foundation stone. Contact Birkenhead Monumental today for more about our pet memorials. Our full service for pet memorials includes cleaning and renovation of the memorials if required.