Pet Memorial Stones in Wirral

pet memorialIf you looking for pet memorial stones in Wirral, there is only one place to go. Birkenhead Monumental has been providing memorial stones to the greater Liverpool area for over 30 years. We recently completed an interesting project for a local resident and wanted to share the details. Our client had a mild disability was helped in his daily life by a service dog. He had difficulty getting around and relied on his dog to assist him with opening doors, picking up dropped items, bring medication, and an amazing number of other daily tasks. Unfortunately, as will all dogs, the years caught up with him sooner than we would like and the dog recently passed.

Our client was understandably distraught. If you have pets, think of the close relationship you have built with them, now add into that equation the fact that this animal quite literally made this man’s life livable. As he was struggling with his loss he decided to find a way to memorialize his helper and companion. To help him fulfill this desire he turned to Birkenhead Monumental. for over 30 years we have provided quality headstones and memorials to residents of Wirral. Pet memorial stones are one of our specialties.

As we spoke with our client to help him decide what his memorial would look like we could hear the love and loss he was feeling for his long time friend. We worked with him to find the perfect inscription honoring this fine animal, and with the help of a photo, we designed a lovely image of his dog to engrave on the memorial. At Birkenhead Monumental we know how special your loved ones are to you and hope to help you create an equally special way to remember them. So if you are looking for a pet memorial stone in Wirral, call us today at 0151 609 0117 for an appointment.

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