Monumental Headstones in Neston, an Important Part of our Heritage

Monumental Headstones in NestonMonumental headstones in Neston stand as sentinels to those who came before us. From these headstones, we can glimpse a bit of our local and national history and tie it to our current community. Certain names will stand out because there are so many of them. Their roots go deep in the community. A large ornate stone might carry a well-known name of a prosperous founding father or mother. That same name may appear on a street, an avenue, a public building and a park. You’ll see how many men were lost to various wars and how many children died before age 5. To a great extent, these are your people. The preservation of our graveyards and the monumental headstones is valuable because they help to anchor us.

We are still dedicated to creating dignified headstones for bereaved families. However, in Neston, monumental headstones created decades, even centuries ago are important. We are dedicated to the preservation of those long since engraved. So if your ancestors or relatives’ headstones were set fifty years ago or more, they may be difficult to decipher. Stone lasts forever but the elements can reshape and resurface it. It can even change colour as lichen, moss and other vegetation wraps around the stone. If that is the case with your family monuments, consider having us refurbish them so they look new again. We can clean, smooth, seal and re-engrave the stone so future generations  can see the inscription, the art work and medallions meant to sum up a precious life of a family member.

In some instances, monumental headstones in Neston may need to actually be replaced with a new one. Our stonemasons can undertake the task of duplicating the original before it becomes completely indecipherable. We have our own hand cutter who can follow the original cutting. If you want information added such as military or sporting badges, religious symbols or even a photo, we can do that for you.  Once the refurbishment or replacement stone is complete, we return it to the gravesite. The stone will be set according to health and safety standards. This time it will be erected on a stable ground anchor foundation. Contact Birkenhead Monumental for a new headstone or refurbishment of an old one. The work will be carried out with loving care and the expertise gained from decades of experience

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