Memorials in West Kirby

Memorials in West KirbyThe memorials in West Kirby that are created by our highly qualified stone masons are dignified and are a lasting tribute to a much loved relative or friend. We also create cremation stones which are generally of a similar size and shape to a gravestone.  The exact size and design differ from cemetery to churchyard but from many years of working closely with the various entities we know what is accepted by them. Our staff will help you to choose a design that will be of an acceptable size. The type of stone used is very much up to your own personal taste. Marble is a beautiful white stone and is relatively soft and easy to carve. Granite is very hard but has the most glorious colour range and almost any colour can be found. Once polished this stone last for many hundreds of years.

When a beloved person passes on in West Kirby, memorials are needed to mark the grave and to leave behind a brief note of their life. This is a very important part of the grieving process and needs a gentle and sympathetic monumental mason to understand what is wanted. Our staff make sure that every stone is created with loving attention to detail to provide a lasting memorial that the family can be proud of. Double headstones are usually commissioned on the death of the first spouse. They are made to accommodate subsequent inscriptions and can be removed when necessary to enable our stone masons to add the new names and dates.

All of the memorials made by us are bespoke. Contact Birkenhead Monumental today or visit our showroom to see the wide range of stones and designs made by us. We will hand craft any design you choose in any stone you like. For over 30 years we have been making headstones for the graves in our area and are very proud to be known as one of the finest suppliers of quality memorials. Once we have designed and created the headstone we take care of all the paperwork and submissions which need to be done for church and council authorities.

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