Carefully worded inscriptions in Bromborough are the best way to pay a lasting tribute to your near and dear ones. Our team at Birkenhead Monumental has more than fifty years’ experience doing just this! From our humble beginnings in Borough Road in Birkenhead until today, we’ve remained a family-owned and operated company with enduring ties in the community. David Williams, our proprietor has earned the proud reputation of being the sole letter cutter in Wirral. This special combination gives us a unique advantage; it helps us discern the needs, budgets and preferences of our community members. It also helps us determine the special traditions and practices of local cemeteries and churchyards. If you’re a new resident in this area or are dealing with the affairs of someone’s passing, we’re there to provide you with all the advice and assistance you may need.
For families dealing with their loved one’s passing in Bromborough, inscriptions selection is a monumental task. How do you select a few choice words to capture the essence of the deceased person? Nevertheless, we suggest taking time and choosing words after speaking to many people in the departed person’s life. We also recommend looking into religious texts, literature and song lyrics to gain inspiration, especially into items that your loved one enjoyed. Although certain inscriptions like “In loving memory” sound a bit clichéd, they are memorable and to the point. If you’re having difficulty deciding upon an apt inscription for your loved one, we would be glad to assist.
If you’re planning a funeral for your family member, we can help you with the memorial and inscriptions in Bromborough. Contact Birkenhead Monumental and let us help you get started. We’re committed to creating a memorial that is a lasting tribute to your loved one. Apart from the wording, we can also engrave special symbols like roses, military badge and religious symbols. In addition, we can assist with the layout, typeface and wording of the inscriptions as well as with necessary submissions and paperwork to the church or council authorities.