Headstone Prices in Bebington

Headstone Prices in BebingtonInquiries about headstone prices in Bebington are not unusual. With fifty years of service under our belts we still can’t quote prices over the phone. We can give you a guesstimate but many variables factor into the final cost. The first consideration is the burial place; the churchyard or cemetery will have guidelines as to size and sometimes shape as well. We know the standards set by most local cemeteries so we can guide you. Naturally, the size of the stone and the kind of stone impacts the cost. At Birkenhead Monumental we work mostly in marble, granite and rustic. Within those three, there are variations that impact cost. All of them are high quality. We do not deal in inferior products.

You will want the name, date of birth and date of death on whichever stone you choose. In Bebington, headstone prices go up with additional text, font size and the method of engraving. We do a lot of laser engraving now but at Birkenhead Monumental you can still choose hand engraving. Gold leaf fill is still an option as well as colours. The cost will be impacted by the addition of a colour photograph, service, club, religious or sports medallions or stone on stone carvings of hearts, angels, flowers, religious symbols and for children perhaps a favourite toy; all of which can be in colour or polished and contrasting stone. Our prices include the paperwork required by the cemetery, the ground stone and setting the monument to current standards.

When considering a headstone and headstone prices in Bebington. We at Birkenhead Monumental will assist you through each step. To begin, call us and schedule an appointment for a consultation. We have a comfortable and welcoming office where we can discuss some of your preferences. We recommend setting a headstone budget that you are comfortable with and sticking to it. We can help you with that as well because you always multiple options. Sometimes you don’t know what you want until you see it so we welcome you to our showroom. Together we will create a lasting tribute to honour your loved one that expresses your sentiments without going over budget.

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